html elements
Refer to this page's source code when needed, then copy and paste away.
Unordered List
NOTE: The bullets will all be one color - the default color - unless given a special class name.
- Dark Gray
- Primary Gray (default bullet color)
- Medium Gray
- Light Gray
- Ghost Gray
- Starlight
- Cyan
- Orange
- Light Orange
- Pale Orange
- Blue
- Medium Dark Blue
- Dark Blue
- Green
- Black Cherry
Horizontal Line
LCARS Text Bar
You can also align text to the right:
"I have been and always shall be, your friend."
Note that text color is a separate class. Remember, you can include more than one class to an element.
Monday blinks slow: Monday
Wednesday blinks average speed: Wednesday
Saturday blinks fast: Saturday
Use the following class selectors (shown in green) in the parent *buttons* DIV to position a button or group of buttons. Note that buttons will wrap at smaller viewport sizes. Positioning classes work in all themes.
center one or more buttons
Note: *jc* stands for justify content.
Buttons that Align to the Right
Note: Buttons align to the left by default.
a group of buttons that are spaced evenly
Buttons are distributed so that the spacing between any two adjacent alignment buttons, before the first alignment button, and after the last alignment button is the same.
a group of buttons that fill a line
Buttons are evenly distributed in the line; first button is on the start of the line, last button on the end of the line.
a group of equally spaced buttons
Buttons are evenly distributed in the line with equal space around them.
change a button's color
Note: this also works on the buttons in the sidebar.
Text Formatting Custom Class Selectors
Basically this removes space between a header element and a paragraph. Specifically, this sets the top margin of an element to a negative value so that the line is flush against the previous element.
Resets an element's margins to 0.
Aligns text to the right.
Look at me, I'm way over here to the right of the page!
Text aligns to the left by default, with some exceptions. For instance, the main page heading (<h1>
) aligns right. But maybe you want it to align left instead. So rather than going in to CSS and making changes there, you can just add this class to the <h1>
Centers text in an element.
Look at me, I'm centered!
Makes text in an element a little bigger than normal
Transforms text to all uppercase letters
Strikethrough: I love Mondays
This gives the whitespace property a value of nowrap. I use this when I don't want a string of words to break at the end of a line. This can happen when the veiwport shrinks. Take Star Trek, for example, which are two words that look better next to each other. If you're like me, you wouldn't like Star to be at the end of one line and Trek at the start of the next line.
<span class="now">Star Trek</span>
This almost quadruples the top margin of an element. Use case: this page - I use this on the <h2>
heading tags to add more space between topics.
change text color
Simply add a color's class name to change text to that color.
- dark-gray
- medium-dark-gray
- primary-gray
- light-gray
- ghost-gray
- starlight
- cyan
- orange
- light-orange
- pale-orange
- blue
- medium-dark-blue
- dark-blue
- green
- black-cherry